Topic: RAW Prescription Diets for Dogs
In this lecture, Dr Billinghurst will explain the basic principles that allow RAW feeders to produce RAW prescription diets for dogs. While basic RAW tackles all health problems brilliantly, the results following prescription modification are even better… to say the least! In this lecture Dr Billinghurst will show how to develop a RAW Prescription Diet for Kidney failure (in dogs) as the first example, and will attempt to cover as many other commonly occurring health problems as time will allow. A not to be missed lecture.
BVSc Hons BSc Agr
Ian Billinghurst is the Australian veterinarian, whose international lectures on evolutionary nutrition, and whose book — "Give Your Dog a Bone” — released in 1993 — were instrumental in Kick-Starting the RAW Feeding Revolution for dogs (and cats).
Since that time he has tirelessly researched, lectured and written about Raw Evolutionary Nutrition. Apart from producing a further three books on raw feeding (Grow Your Pups with Bones, The BARF Diet and Pointing the Bone at Cancer), Dr Billinghurst has developed a series of RAW Prescription Diets for common problems such as Kidney Failure, Obesity, Diabetes, Pancreatitis, Seizures, Allergies, Uroliths (bladder stones) and many more. These diets will also shortly be available in book form.
Here's a look at this years new and returning Raw Roundup speakers.
Founder & CEO of Dogs Naturally Magazine
Nutrition Science Director at Answers Pet Food